A spotfix after a long time! This was a spot near Max Super Specialty Hospital in Saket. The spot was a victim of open garbage dumping from nearby residential areas. Max sought our support to organize this spotfix cum cleanliness drive in this area involving their own staff - KUDOS!
We were glad to see a lot of enthusiastic volunteers not only from Max itself but also from our social media followers apart from some regular WMTC volunteers. Best part - we also had support from South Delhi Municipal Corporation (SDMC) and the Public Works Department (PWD).
The volunteers began on a high energy note to clear the garbage along with SDMC and PWD staff. Some of our volunteers also engaged with locals to create awareness on littering and garbage dumping. Finally, we all then gave the place an aesthetic look by painting the wall with some abstract artwork.
Even with a sultry weather the whole exercise was full of lots of fun and frolics. Additionally, we also got to meet some new volunteers who gave us some brilliant ideas we are now eagerly looking to execute! Please join us... it'll be fun!
Here's the video of the day:
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