We turned 8! No. of volunteers: 30+ Saplings planted: 80+ We're excited as we complete eight revolutions around the Sun. We thank all the volunteers who've been involved in this journey so far. We celebrated the milestone with a native trees plantation drive in Tihar Lake park. 30+ guests to the party including those from Bhumi NGO, Delhi Chapter and MGOCSM, Janak Puri. We all planted 80+ saplings, including amaltas, arjun, moringa, gudhel etc. As we always say, we'll water them regularly.

We Mean To Clean (WMTC) is a Delhi-based volunteer group working towards Swachh Bharat and Climate Action through: (a) WM - Waste Management awareness programs and implementation (b) T - Tree plantation (native only) and maintenance (c) C - Cleanup Drives - Cleaning a public place that's a victim of open garbage dumping/ open urination/ defecation.