Humble but regular efforts over a long term can have massive impact. We won't whinge about covid19-induced restrictions. We'll keep on doing whatever we can. Two of our volunteers added a few more native tree saplings to their nursery. This particular location is home to jamun, mango and neem. We are reusing milk packets, seeds from jamun and mango that we eat and collect nimolis from parks. You too can do this... at your own pace. If a lot of us are able to do it, we would have a great bank of native tree saplings... All with zero waste! How to set up a zero waste nursery? - You don't have to buy planters. Just REUSE your milk and other plastic packets - prevent them from ending up in the landfills - Collect the seeds of mango, jamun and other fruits/ vegetables at home and sow them in the packets - Going for a morning walk? Seek out for neem seeds and peepal saplings and plant them - You can also make compost/ fertilizer from your kitchen waste and use them for your sapli...

We Mean To Clean (WMTC) is a Delhi-based volunteer group working towards Swachh Bharat and Climate Action through: (a) WM - Waste Management awareness programs and implementation (b) T - Tree plantation (native only) and maintenance (c) C - Cleanup Drives - Cleaning a public place that's a victim of open garbage dumping/ open urination/ defecation.