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Showing posts from June, 2019

Watering Sainik Vihar Saplings

RAIN ABANDONS PLAY! Yeah, well! We were supposed to water our friends but rain... damn... It played a spoilsport. It watered them before we could! So we just said hello to these fellows and returned. Few pics for you all... Aren't they all gorgeous? Shouldn't they contest MISTER or MISS EARTH contests? Well, technically they should be the winners, no?! What do you think? Let us know in the comments! Oh and ONE MORE THING! No, it's not about APPLE, it's about AMALTAS... We'll be planting a few next weekend to kick off our this year's plantation. Details to follow soon! Please LIKE and SHARE and help spread the good word! 🙂🌳

Watering Saplings in Rani Bagh

VOLUNTEERING IS IMPORTANT! Dear Delhi NCR residents, Feeling the record-breaking heat? Above average seasonal temperature? Dust storms? It’s affecting us all, isn’t it? Yes, all of us. It includes our parents, siblings, spouses, children, friends, relatives etc. Yet we all are being extremely ignorant. At best, most of us are only merely giving lip service in terms of doing something – that we must plant trees etc. or we just forward WhatsApp messages like: 50 hazar ka AC lagwa sakte hain, leking 50 rupye ka ped nahi laga sakte Environmental protection requires action. We need to go out and DO things rather than just talking or forwarding messages. How many of us are really DOING something? It’s high time we all woke up and shunned our ignorance, our laziness and our comfort. It’s already costing us a lot! And it’s only going to get worse. Most of us KNOW IT, yet we don’t take any action. Why does environment take a backseat among all our priority matters? Is ...

Watering Saplings at Sainik Vihar

EVERY DAY IS WORLD ENVIRONMENT DAY! Are you in Delhi NCR? Heat wave bothering you? Well, we always say – trees are the answer! Did you know that apart from having 10 of the top 15 most polluted cities globally, India now has the same set of numbers for the world’s hottest cities as well? So, keeping both things in perspective, we as citizens-led group, who believe in actual solutions, planted native trees in 2017 and 2018. We have been actively sharing on our social media that we take care of them regularly. With the same objective, we assembled at Sainik Vihar park today. And if you are a regular follower of our page you would know we have about 150 amaltas saplings in this park. Amaltas, Delhi’s state tree, has beautiful yellow flowers when in full bloom. For very much the same reason it is also known as ‘golden shower’. These golden showers need regular water showers just like us humans who find it unbearable in the sultry weather enveloping our city thes...

World Environment Day 2019 - Let's Do Something, It's Already Late!

Today the world will celebrate World Environment Day. It was initiated by the United Nations in 1974 with a hope that it will help to create awareness among masses of various countries including the governments to take steps and actions to protect the environment. Every year, a new theme is chosen to create awareness around that particular theme in the whole world. A country is given responsibility each year to host the day with the respective theme. This ensures the spreading of awareness regarding various environmental themes in every corner of the planet. Such a day also helps people to realize the importance of the environment, this planet and the resources. The people around the globe realize that they are the stakeholders of this precious environment and they must do something before it’s too late. But the question is, has it helped anyhow in preserving the environment? Pollution is at an all-time high. No medium is devoid of pollution at this point – we’ve discussed so...

World Environment Day 2019 - We All Breathe the Same Air

In the second part of this mini series we dive into the various sources of air pollution - this year's theme of the World Environment Day. The host this year is China. Last year it was hosted by India. Is there a pointer to the selection of these countries? Both the nations are at risk of the debilitating environment due to the prevailing circumstances. To understand, the term ‘pollute’ means to defile or negative change. Somewhere in our race for ‘development’ we kept environment out of our sight. And our air – well, that is invisible anyway! India is at the pinnacle of air pollution. We have felt the ill-effects of pollution as certain reports suggest that India has seven of the top 10 smog-clogged most polluted cities of the world. Delhi NCR bagged the top spot. This pollution can cost us 1.8 years of our life as reported by the World Economic Forum, making it even more dangerous than smoking, alcohol and a large number of diseases. And to your surprise, it’s even wors...

World Environment Day 2019 - The Need to Wake Up!

Yet another June 5 in our Gregorian calendars. Yet another World Environment Day. You will witness slogans, hashtags and tagging at an all-time high trending on social media channels. Electronic media will be abuzz with flashy, vibrant coloured headlines. News channels will have yet another round of discussion and debates with eminent panelists. Yet again, most of us would eventually resort to our usual daily routines. For some, it would involve commenting on social media while for some others it could even be playing PUBG. And with the cricket world cup noise all around, we really aren’t sure how many ears would really catch attention of the word ‘air pollution’. In this mini series of three blogs, we share our thoughts to elaborate on our concerns around air pollution and our suggestions to tackle the same. Air pollution has penetrated our lives to the core. It is not without any reason that air pollution masks are a regular feature on some people’s faces in certain citi...

Watering Rani Bagh Saplings

IT'S A SIX! Cricket world cup fever is on. Ten teams are competing against each other in a round robin format to secure their berths for tournament semi-finals. And eventually the mightiest two shall battle it out to lay their hands on the coveted trophy. We Mean To Clean (WMTC) volunteers are also playing their own world cup… against air pollution and rising temperature in the city. You also felt the heat in the week gone by, right? Yeah, that’s what we’re talking about! Just like in cricket, WMTC is also composed of individuals with their own specific capabilities. Some are even all-rounders! WMTC plays against the team called Climate Change. Climate Change has key players such as carbon emissions, deforestation, mis-managed waste etc. While WMTC fields its own players having different capabilities. They plant native Indian trees, conduct regular watering and maintenance activities, segregate their kitchen waste and do composting etc. While a game of cric...