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Showing posts from April, 2018

Nature Walk with WE MEAN TO CLEAN

Delhi is one of the greenest capitals in the world yet one of the most polluted cities. Delhi recorded its hottest day in April yesterday at 42 ÂșC. Trees can help! But hey, only the right ones!!! So, with this thought we organized a nature walk on 29-Apr-18 at Prasad Nagar Lake. A huge number of people who turned up for our nature walk this morning! It's a delight to see there are so many people who care for our environment and want to do a lot to preserve it! While our own team member Bhuvan Chopra led the walk, educating people about native trees and their significance, our special guest was none other than Peepal Baba! Peepal Baba inspired us even more to get close to nature. The walk offered an opportunity for the attendees to immerse themselves in nature. It allowed them to learn about various native trees of Delhi. Trees such as peepal, banyan, neem, amaltas, pilkhan, marodphali, jaadi, mango, jamun etc. are of high ecological significance. These tree...